Monday, February 21, 2011

Desta vez em Português, acerca de Português

Dizem que os brasileiros e outros PALOP assassinam o Português. Ok... mas sinceramente acho que não deviamos levar a mal, porque eles não o fazem por mal. É a evolução fonética da língua... e nalguns casos estou convencido a ignorância aliada ao sentido de improvisação. Por exemplo, há alguns tempos atrás alguém queria referir-se a um natural da Polónia. Mas como não sabia como se chamava, nasceu o "Polones". Que para nós, é Polaco. Só pode ter sido assim... Aliás, se assim não foi, agradeço a quem saiba a origem da palavra que ma explique, estou sempre pronto a aprender e reconhecer os meus erros.

E não... "brasileiro" não é neste momento nem língua nem dialecto. Caipira, Nordestino, Carioca, Sertanejo são dialectos. Português do Brasil é uma variante.

O que eu digo é, dêm-lhes a "independência". Assumam que existe PT-PT e PT-PALOP ou PT-BR. Qualquer aplicação que se preze com opção multiligue apresenta essas duas "línguas" diferentes PT (PT) e PT (BR). Que tal acabarmos com acordos parvos que impõem regras a ambos com as quais ninguém concorda?

Nós mantinhamo-nos fiéis à nossa tradicional língua, e eles ficavam livres para "evoluir" a deles.


..."tugas" a assassinar o Português também há muitos. Uma fonte enorme de exemplos deles são os anúncios OLX. Exemplo fornecido pelo "Glícido":

Passo a citar:
"vendo rover coupe metor honda 1800 euros neguciaveis"

E continua:
"é o 1600 de celindrada

Posto isto, e a foto do carro abaixo, são compreensíveis os comentários:
"Arrancava-te a asa e dava-te com ela nos cornos! Está aí um bonito serviço. Já agora, volta de novo à primária já que não sabes escrever."

"apenas por curiosidade, por quanto é que está a vender SÓ a tábua de passar a ferro? o resto do carro não me faz falta. "

"precisava do "spoiler" para estender a roupa. pode vendê-lo à parte? "

Muitos desses comentários são igualmente assassinos da língua de camões, mesmo que em menor medida:

"ho caralho aprende a escrever!!! fodeste essa traineira toda santo deus... a pintura parece que foi lambida por uma vaca... esse spoiler é um rebenta gafanhotos... as ponteiras devem ter sido marteladas com os cornos... so falta espetares ai um mata bacas pa te pertir a cremalheira duss "

Posto isto... não podemos criticar os outros por assassinar a nossa lígua, ou podemos???

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This is a topic I hold very dear. There are things you just should not do, that are rude on inconsiderate in any form of communication, even "electronic" and "faceless" ones.

And I'm not even talking about abbreviations, e-mails without a subject, abusive caps-lock or not using BCC to broadcast lovely_kitten.pps or loving_cougars.pps.

I'm talking about new ways people found to spam, to be generally annoying, inconsiderate or simply going "look at me, I'm so funny!" over social networks.

a) A forum is a social network. But not that kind of social network. If you want to gossip, blab about the news just to try to look smart and funny, as opposed to have a discussion and even (God forbid) learn something or change your mind, then stay off forums. Use Facebook for that.     Please???

b) I DO NOT CARE how many points, kills or other achievement you got on "COMMAND OF DUTY 35" or WTF is the name of the game you are currently playing. But if you must spam, do this on facebook (mainly because I don't use it...). Because that's where <strike>crap</strike> gratuitous and frivolous information should go.

c) It may come as a surprise, but NOT EVERYONE that sees your posts or tweets CAN HAVE LUNCH OR COFFEE with you. If you really need some company, use Instant Messaging (IM) for it (and I don't use it much, so...), and bother that guy you can see is doing nothing, right next to you. Yes, that one, drooling of boredom and about to fall from his chair.

d) Instant Messaging (IM) is not where you go to bother your co-workers to do your job for you, or compromise/agree to something, with the plausible deniability of never having put that on an e-mail. Want something work related from me? Send me an e-mail (now you know why I don't use IM much...) THAT is what it's for, nor for porn. Or kittens either.

e) MOST PEOPLE DON'T CARE about where your are, were or are going to. Unless they are stalkers. Or robbers looking for an empty house. But, if you must then use Gowalla or Foursquare (wich... you guessed it, I don't use).

f) Finally, but most importantly, DO NOT aggregate social networks in to one neat little app that is "just great" because it "posts on all your networks, simultaneously!". You're not being effective or smart. YOU ARE SPAMMING.

That's it, for now... Going for lunch... anyone?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The "android fragmentation" rant

Ok, so I'm not an Android fan. Granted. 

But also am not an iPhone fanboy. Or anything else. I do not believe there is one better computer operating system, or mobile platform or whatever. Every solution has it's upsides and downsides. 

Now when we say "Android", some other mobile platform fanboy (many known as "analysts") will immediately cry out "fragmentation" and nod with a "smart" grin in their face. But they don't even know what fragmentation is! 

"Hun... it's like they have all these devices, and they are all different and stuff". WRONG. That's DIVERSITY. Freedom to choose different devices with different specs that suit your needs. That, is GOOD. Not like being stuck with a crappy camera from the only model available (iPhone).

But what fragmentation really is, is why I really can't find myself to use an Android device more than just the enough time necessary to review it, and to confirm it's still there, and is getting worst.

That the "Home" button has been, once more, moved. That the thing that looks like a back arrow, and lies where on previous devices the "Back" function was, is the f* "Menu"!

That there are now 200 ways to do something I'd like to do with an app from the market, but they all suck big time. Even, or especially the paid ones... And that they mostly look like crap. And crash on low-end devices. Or older software versions. 

And new versions that are slower (!) than older ones because of the hardware... Take a lesson from Microsoft and set mandatory minimum hardware specs for each new software release, AND make no exceptions...

Like "special" features as the "HTC Sense", only available on selected devices/countries/carriers. It's a mess. It makes other people mad they can't have it, and it's not even that big of a deal! (it's not like a full Office Suite is it?).

And about software versions... They are country and operator dependent. I can't upgrade it because I live in a specific country or bought it from a specific operator? It's like a f* Nokia S60 phone all over again!

And on the software. Why does it get slower and more sluggish every day? Even if you don't install stuff, and just use it as a mobile. It gets slower, and slower and eventually e-mail and other stuff stops working, and it will take 20 seconds to open the camera app, and it will need a master reset. Again the S60 haunting the Android... As for the mobile platform itself, I even like it. I just can't use a device more than a couple of days.

So that is what fragmentation really means. Too many apps/options/features/problems, depending of software version, hardware version, device capabilities, country, operator and what not.

Woa! the Xperia X10 just got pinch to zoom! Somewhere... else. Some time. Maybe. This is just stupid. Take a lesson from Apple on this one. The new software just gets released. Period. Anyone can get to it.